One single gene — the RYR2 gene — That’s what took our Ben.
And without the Mater, we might never have known that myself and Alfie carry the gene too.

Alfie and Alma.
You can imagine how painful that felt… Not for the fact that I had the condition too, but for the fact that I’d passed it down to my boys without even knowing.
You’ve lost your first born, then you find out your other child has the same condition. The fear of losing Alfie was overwhelming. But now we know we have this gene, we can protect ourselves from it. Alfie’s been fitted with a heart monitor. The Mater keeps us safe.
I dearly hope you can help us bring this amazing new gene-screening machine to the Mater with a gift today.
I know what it’s done for my family, and with your help, so many more families like ours CAN be saved.
Your kindness today can bring an advanced new gene-screening machine to the Mater – one that can test THREE times as many families for hidden heart conditions as our current technology can.
Honestly, if I could cover the cost of this incredible machine myself, I would. It’s technology that saved me and Alfie. I’m certain of it!
If Ben’s story inspires even one caring person to donate, I’ll be so happy.
He was such a caring, positive person, and I want his memory to carry on doing good in this world. Thank you for taking the time to know my Ben, even just a little.
And thank you for giving whatever you can. If you can.
Yours, with all my love and hope,