“We are extremely proud of what the Mater Hospital Foundation has done for thousands of patients and their families that spend time in the Mater Hospital. We could not do it without the support of you – the people who give with tireless generosity. That’s why we take our governance and transparency very seriously. Below, we outline the steps we take to make sure we’re compliant in every aspect of fundraising, so you know exactly where funds have been invested.”
– Mary Moorhead, Chief Executive, and Aidan O’Connell, Chairperson
We are committed to the highest standard of supporter care and we welcome feedback if we have fallen short of this in your experience. We are treat all complaints with the utmost seriousness and endeavor to respond politely and promptly.
If you would like to submit feedback or a complaint please click here.
Under the General Data Protection Regulation, you are entitled as a data subject to obtain from the Company, confirmation as to whether we are processing personal data concerning you, as well as to request details about the purposes, categories and disclosure of such data.
You can use the form at this link to request information about, and access to any personal data we hold about you. Details on where to return the completed form can be found at the end of the document.
If you would like to read about our Privacy Policy and our Data Protection Policy please click here.
The Mater Foundation is fully compliant with the Charity Regulators Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations and in line with regulation our Board review compliance with the code on an annual basis.
We are committed to putting in place systems and processes to ensure that our charity achieves its charitable objectives with integrity and is managed in an effective, efficient, accountable, and transparent way under the following principles:
- Principle 1: Advancing Charitable purpose
- Principle 2: Behaving with Integrity
- Principle 3: Leading People
- Principle 4: Exercising control
- Principle 5: Working effectively
- Principle 6: Being accountable and transparent
The Mater Hospital Foundation’s financial accounts can be found here.
The Mater Hospital Foundation takes our responsibilities around transparency and good governance seriously.
We have achieved the ‘triple lock’ standard of transparent reporting, good fundraising and governance, recognised by Charities Institute Ireland.